
Las Vegas Drone Photos

Website for my aerial photography business. Responsive design with a custom contact form. Streamlined for mobile, wrote SEO copy and monitored with Google Analytics. Also made the logo and all images. Backlinks from Google My Business, Google Maps, blog posts, and social media.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
Project 1 Project 1

Crypto Dashboard

Full stack web application that converts the latest cryptocurrency prices. Uses multiple APIs to fetch data. Used to research cryptocurrency data and news for investing

  • HTML
  • Axios
  • Node.js
  • React
Project 1 Project 1

COA Tool

Full stack web application for formatting COA applications for commercial drone pilots. User inputs a set of coordinates along with other information, and the app formats the application for submission. Used for consistency and to save time when submitting multiple applications.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Node.js
  • Google Maps API
Project 1 Project 1

About Me

I enjoy creating things with code, 3D printing, and aerial photography. Interested in designing and writing code for web and mobile apps. Some of my preferred tools include Next, Node, React, React Native, MongoDB, Firebase, and Kotlin. Currently seeking a position as a mobile app or frontend web developer.

My Resume

My Certificates
Oceanside Pier